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Molly Bohan - Great Bridge High School
Domestic A Bill Regarding Underage Drinking
Be it enacted by student congress assembled that:
1. Underage drinking on private property with permission from parents be made legal in all 50 states.
2. This permission can only be given by the legal guardian(s) of the underaged person who will be drinking and the parents must be present on the private property where the drinking will occur.
3. The private property in question must be a non-alcohol-selling premises.
4. This bill will go into effect immediately upon passage.
5. This will be enforced by the state police forces of the executive branch.
Submitted by, Molly Bohan Great Bridge High School
A Bill to Decrease the Drinking Age 1. BE IT ENACTED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT… 2. Article 1: The legal drinking age will be 18 years old when in a controlled environment, such as 3. restaurants, pubs or any other place where at least one legal guardian is present, with his or her 4. consent. 5. Article 2: The legal drinking age is the age when a person can buy and consume any intoxicating 6. substance. When accompanied by a parent to a restaurant or other establishment, the vender of the 7. alcohol will ask the legal guardian for first (1st) proof that he/she is the legal guardian and second 8. (2nd) proof that the young adult in question is between the ages of 18 and 21. This legislation is only 9. applicable to young adults between the age of 18 and 21. When the drinker has reached 21, he/ she is 10. free to purchase and consume alcohol without a legal guardian’s consent. 11. Article 3: The Center for Disease Control will oversee the implementation of this legislation. 12. Article 4: This legislation will be enacted January 1, 2013. 13. Article 5:All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Respectfully submitted, Rebekah Davis, Summit Christian Academy
A Bill to allow adults 18 and up to leagally be allowed to consume alcohol
SECTION 1: This bill is to enforce a domestic, legal change to the current drinking age, from 21 to 18.
SECTION 2: Enforce - to put or keep in force; compel obedience to. Domestic - of or pertaining to one’s own or a particular country as apart from other countries. Legal - permitted by law; lawful
SECTION 3: This bill will be overseen by the Department of Justice, through local law enforcement.
SECTION 4: This bill will be effective on January 1, 2012.
SECTION 5: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
WHEREAS: The State of Virginia executes the highest proportion of people sentenced to death of any state in the country and
WHEREAS: Murder rates are lower in states that have abolished the death penalty and
WHEREAS: The death penalty costs more than life imprisonment and
WHEREAS: Public opinion supports alternatives to the death penalty,
BE IT RESOLVED by this Congress here assembled that the State of Virginia shall no longer sentence any criminal to death.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any offender that has been sentenced to death be given life in prison with no chance of parole in place of the death penalty.
SECTION 1: Each stage of the time table will last 30 days. At each stage we will step up sanctions against Iran. After two stages of sanctions, a full embargo will be put in place. This would last for two stages. At the fifth stage military action would be taken.
SECTION 2: Sanctions would start as economic and then increase to include political sanctions. Military Actions would be defined as invasion.
SECTION 3: At the end of each stage, both houses of US Congress will vote on whether to move on to the next stage. To move on to the last stage there must be a majority vote. To move on to the final stage there must be a 2/3’s majority vote.
SECTION 4: This law will take effect within 30 days of passage.
SECTION 5: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
A bill to require work to earn unemployment benefits. BE IT ENACTED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1: Citizens who file for an extension of unemployment benefits must complete 15 hours of community service each week thereafter to receive their benefits. SECTION 2: Unemployment is defined as the involuntary idleness of a worker seeking work at prevailing wages. SECTION 3: The United States Department of Labor will oversee the enforcement of unemployment benefits. SECTION 4: This bill shall be implemented on January 1st, 2012. SECTION 5: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Introduced by Senator James Wilson of Green Run High School
A bill to replace life without parole with the death penalty. BE IT ENACTED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1: The Virginia judiciary system will no longer use the sentence of life without parole. All crimes carrying this punishment will hereby be changed to the death penalty. All Virginia citizens currently serving a life without parole sentence shall have a review of their case, and have their sentence altered accordingly. SECTION 2: Parole is defined as the early release of a prisoner who is subject to continued monitoring as well as compliance with certain terms and conditions for a specified period. SECTION 3: The Virginia State Supreme Court will oversee the implementation of this law, and the review of all cases subject to the change. SECTION 4: This bill shall be implemented on January 1st, 2012. SECTION 5: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Introduced by Senator Tiffani Patterson of Green Run High School
A bill to remove the death penalty. BE IT ENACTED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1: The death penalty shall no longer be used as punishment for any criminal act. SECTION 2: Criminal act is defined as any crime, including an act, omission or possession under the laws of the United States or a State or a unit of local government, which poses a substantial threat of personal injury, notwithstanding that by reason of age, insanity, intoxication or otherwise the person engaging in the act, omission or possession was legally incapable of committing a crime. Death penalty is defined as putting a condemned person to death. SECTION 3: The Virginia State Supreme Court will oversee the implementation of this law. SECTION 4: This bill shall be implemented on January 1st, 2012. SECTION 5: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Introduced by Senator Elizabeth Olukanni of Green Run High School
WHEREAS: the United States exercises the greatest amount of rights towards protesting and free speech
WHEREAS: The crime rates are higher in all Occupy Wall Street protest camps and
WHEREAS: Public tax money has to pay for the clean up of this movement and
WHEREAS: The movement does not provide any meaningful progress to the American public,
BE IT RESOLVED by this congress here assembled that the United States shall no longer allow the extended, overnight Occupy Movement encampment protests to continue.
Article 1: Aid to and diplomatic relations with Pakistan will be cut upon the final withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. The withdrawal of troops will be expedited and completed by the end of March 2012.
Article 2: Aid includes both military and financial aid. Cutting of diplomatic relations will involve the removal of the United States Embassy from Pakistan and the Pakistan Embassy from the United States.
Article 3: This bill will be overseen by the Department of State and the Department of Defense.
Article 4: This bill will go into effect immediately upon passage.
Article 5: All laws in conflict with this bill are hereby declared null and void.
Emily Pemberton - Great Bridge High School
BE IT ENACTED BY THIS CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: Article I: The death penalty will be put into effect for all of the individuals that are convicted of murder, except for involuntary man slaughter. Article II: Once convicted, the death penalty will be performed within one month. Article III: The month can only be prolonged if there is an appeal filed. This appeal must be filed within thirty days from the initial verdict. Article IV: There will be no acceptances with the death penalty. All who are convicted will receive the death penalty within the one month, unless new evidence is brought forth. Article V: This bill will be overseen by Department of Justice. Article VI: This law shall go into effect on January 1, 2012. Article VII: All laws in conflict with this bill shall be declared null and void. Respectfully submitted, Great Bridge High School Emily Pemberton
A Resolution to Terminate the Death Penalty WHEREAS, The death penalty denies the Virginian from the basic human rights outlined in the Constitution; and WHEREAS, States that utilize the death penalty experience a 48% homicide rate compared to the 23% of states without the death penalty WHEREAS, The death penalty is illegal due to the premeditation of murder; and now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Congress here assembled that the Virginian government will abolish the death penalty in the state Respectfully submitted, James Timko Western Branch High School
Morgan Gresham- Western Branch High School
A Bill to require that Virginia’s government does not place road tolls on Interstate 95 BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. Tollbooths should not be placed on sections of Interstate 95 that run through Virginia. SECTION 2. A tollbooth is a booth (as on a highway or bridge) where tolls are paid. A toll is a payment or fee exacted by the state, the local authorities, etc., for some right or privilege, as for passage along a road or over a bridge. SECTION 3. The Virgnia Department of Transportation shall oversee the enforcement of this bill. SECTION 4. This law will take effect within six months of passage. SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Introduced by Morgan Gresham, Western Branch High School
A Bill to Decrease Unemployment Rates by Decreasing Retirement Age
Section 1: All government employees will be required to retire by age 55.
Section 2: Retirement shall be defined as the point when a person stops employment completely, thus becoming eligible for private or public pension benefits.
Section 3: This bill will be implemented and overseen by the Department of Labor.
Section 4: This bill will take effect on January 1, 2012.
Section 5: All laws in conflict with this bill are hereby declared null and void.
Section 1: Capital punishment in the state of Virginia will be eliminated. All individuals who have been sentenced to death will have their sentences changed to life in prison immediately.
Section 2: Capital punishment is defined as the sentence of death for serious crimes including murder.
Section 3: The Virginia Department of Corrections will oversee the implementation of this bill.
Section 4: This bill will go into effect immediately upon its passing.
Section 5: Any laws in conflict with this bill are hereby declared null and void.
A Bill to Terminate the Occupy Wall Street Protest
Section 1: All Wall Street occupiers will be required to relocate away from New York City’s financial District between regular weekly business hours. Occupiers in violation of this bill will be removed by police force.
Section 2: Wall Street Occupiers will be defined as anyone taking part of the Occupy Wall Street movement in or around Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan.
Section 3: The New York City Police Department will oversee the implementation of this bill.
Section 4: This bill will go into effect immediately upon its passing.
Section 5: Any laws in conflict with this bill are hereby declared null and void.
Respectfully submitted, Kelly Stronach Smithfield HS
A Bill to BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. The drinking age on military bases and installations be lowered to 18 years old. SECTION 2. The current drinking age is 21 years old. SECTION 3. This law will take effect 30 days after passage. SECTION 4.All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Introduced by Senator Austin Chambers - Princess Anne High School
A Bill Regarding Drinking Age BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. The Federal Government will allow the State Legislatures to determine the Minimum Drinking Age in their state. SECTION 2. The decision that the State Legislature makes will apply to the purchasing, possession, and consumption of alcoholic products. SECTION 3. Law enforcement officers in the state are responsible for the enforcement of the State Legislature’s decision. SECTION 4. This law will take effect within three months of passage. SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Introduced by.Tyler Hasty
A Resolution to Cease U.S. Relations With Pakistan
WHEREAS, the United States is allies with Pakistan, yet Pakistan has only provided one, small service WHEREAS, Pakistan harbors terrorists that are condemned by the United States WHEREAS, the United States may be asked to assist Pakistan in its battle over Kashmere WHEREAS, the United States only needs Pakistan for its proximity to Afghanistan RESOLUTION the United States should sever its relationship with Pakistan to further the former's goal of ending the Afghanistan War, making the need for Pakistan's allied powers goes against American interest.
A Resolution to promote democracy in Pakistan WHEREAS, Pakistani military has a tremendous control in Pakistan politics; and WHEREAS, the over powerful military undermines Pakistani civilian government; and WHEREAS, lack of democracy hinders Pakistani peace and prosperity and causes instability; and WHEREAS, instability makes Pakistan a perfect breeding ground for extremist militant groups; and WHEREAS, Pakistani military is suspected to shelter extremist militant groups; and WHEREAS, United States sends more aid to Pakistani Military than civilians; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Congress here assembled that United States will shift its main focus from aiding Pakistani military to Pakistani civilians and promote democracy in the region. Introduced by Jim An Great Bridge High School
A Bill to: Cut ethanol production until further study.
1 Article I: All corn subsidies shall be reduced in production so only 5% of all gasoline will be ethanol or bio fuel
3 Article II: An examination shall be conducted to study the organic fuel by a bipartisan team of chemical engineers, mechanics, and economists to determine the efficiency of this alternative fuel; economically, socially, and environmentally.
7 Article III: This Bill will immediately take effect once it is signed as law.
8 Article IV: The Department of Energy will oversee implementation of this bill. Failure to comply with this law may result in fines and possible suspension until 10 the study is complete.
Article V: All parts of laws that conflict with this law will be considered null and void for the duration of the study.
A Bill Regarding Underage Drinking
Be it enacted by student congress assembled that:
1. Underage drinking on private property with permission from parents be made legal in all 50 states.
2. This permission can only be given by the legal guardian(s) of the underaged person who will be drinking and the parents must be present on the private property where the drinking will occur.
3. The private property in question must be a non-alcohol-selling premises.
4. This bill will go into effect immediately upon passage.
5. This will be enforced by the state police forces of the executive branch.
Submitted by,
Molly Bohan
Great Bridge High School
A Bill to Decrease the Drinking Age
2. Article 1: The legal drinking age will be 18 years old when in a controlled environment, such as 3. restaurants, pubs or any other place where at least one legal guardian is present, with his or her
4. consent.
5. Article 2: The legal drinking age is the age when a person can buy and consume any intoxicating
6. substance. When accompanied by a parent to a restaurant or other establishment, the vender of the
7. alcohol will ask the legal guardian for first (1st) proof that he/she is the legal guardian and second
8. (2nd) proof that the young adult in question is between the ages of 18 and 21. This legislation is only
9. applicable to young adults between the age of 18 and 21. When the drinker has reached 21, he/ she is
10. free to purchase and consume alcohol without a legal guardian’s consent.
11. Article 3: The Center for Disease Control will oversee the implementation of this legislation.
12. Article 4: This legislation will be enacted January 1, 2013.
13. Article 5:All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Respectfully submitted, Rebekah Davis, Summit Christian Academy
A Bill to allow adults 18 and up to leagally be allowed to consume alcohol
SECTION 1: This bill is to enforce a domestic, legal change to the current drinking age, from 21 to 18.
Enforce - to put or keep in force; compel obedience to.
Domestic - of or pertaining to one’s own or a particular country as apart from
other countries.
Legal - permitted by law; lawful
SECTION 3: This bill will be overseen by the Department of Justice, through local law enforcement.
SECTION 4: This bill will be effective on January 1, 2012.
SECTION 5: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
- Alisia Haning, Summit Christian Academy
WHEREAS: The State of Virginia executes the highest proportion of people sentenced to death of any state in the country and
WHEREAS: Murder rates are lower in states that have abolished the death penalty and
WHEREAS: The death penalty costs more than life imprisonment and
WHEREAS: Public opinion supports alternatives to the death penalty,
BE IT RESOLVED by this Congress here assembled that the State of Virginia shall no longer sentence any criminal to death.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any offender that has been sentenced to death be given life in prison with no chance of parole in place of the death penalty.
A Bill to Establish a Plan of Action Against Iran
SECTION 1: Each stage of the time table will last 30 days. At each stage we will step up sanctions against Iran. After two stages of sanctions, a full embargo will be put in place. This would last for two stages. At the fifth stage military action would be taken.
SECTION 2: Sanctions would start as economic and then increase to include political sanctions.
Military Actions would be defined as invasion.
SECTION 3: At the end of each stage, both houses of US Congress will vote on whether to move on to the next stage. To move on to the last stage there must be a majority vote. To move on to the final stage there must be a 2/3’s majority vote.
SECTION 4: This law will take effect within 30 days of passage.
SECTION 5: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
A bill to require work to earn unemployment benefits.
SECTION 1: Citizens who file for an extension of unemployment benefits must complete 15 hours of community service each week thereafter to receive their benefits.
SECTION 2: Unemployment is defined as the involuntary idleness of a worker seeking work at prevailing wages.
SECTION 3: The United States Department of Labor will oversee the enforcement of unemployment benefits.
SECTION 4: This bill shall be implemented on January 1st, 2012.
SECTION 5: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by Senator James Wilson of Green Run High School
A bill to replace life without parole with the death penalty.
SECTION 1: The Virginia judiciary system will no longer use the sentence of life without parole. All crimes carrying this punishment will hereby be changed to the death penalty. All Virginia citizens currently serving a life without parole sentence shall have a review of their case, and have their sentence altered accordingly.
SECTION 2: Parole is defined as the early release of a prisoner who is subject to continued monitoring as well as compliance with certain terms and conditions for a specified period.
SECTION 3: The Virginia State Supreme Court will oversee the implementation of this law, and the review of all cases subject to the change.
SECTION 4: This bill shall be implemented on January 1st, 2012.
SECTION 5: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by Senator Tiffani Patterson of Green Run High School
A bill to remove the death penalty.
SECTION 1: The death penalty shall no longer be used as punishment for any criminal act.
SECTION 2: Criminal act is defined as any crime, including an act, omission or possession under the laws of the United States or a State or a unit of local government, which poses a substantial threat of personal injury, notwithstanding that by reason of age, insanity, intoxication or otherwise the person engaging in the act, omission or possession was legally incapable of committing a crime. Death penalty is defined as putting a condemned person to death.
SECTION 3: The Virginia State Supreme Court will oversee the implementation of this law.
SECTION 4: This bill shall be implemented on January 1st, 2012.
SECTION 5: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by Senator Elizabeth Olukanni of Green Run High School
WHEREAS: the United States exercises the greatest amount of rights towards protesting and free speech
WHEREAS: The crime rates are higher in all Occupy Wall Street protest camps and
WHEREAS: Public tax money has to pay for the clean up of this movement and
WHEREAS: The movement does not provide any meaningful progress to the American public,
BE IT RESOLVED by this congress here assembled that the United States shall no longer allow the extended, overnight Occupy Movement encampment protests to continue.
A Bill ToCut Ties With Pakistan
Be it enacted by Congress here today that:
Article 1: Aid to and diplomatic relations with Pakistan will be cut upon the final withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. The withdrawal of troops will be expedited and completed by the end of March 2012.
Article 2: Aid includes both military and financial aid. Cutting of diplomatic relations will involve the removal of the United States Embassy from Pakistan and the Pakistan Embassy from the United States.
Article 3: This bill will be overseen by the Department of State and the Department of Defense.
Article 4: This bill will go into effect immediately upon passage.
Article 5: All laws in conflict with this bill are hereby declared null and void.
Article I: The death penalty will be put into effect for all of the individuals that are convicted of murder, except for involuntary man slaughter.
Article II: Once convicted, the death penalty will be performed within one month.
Article III: The month can only be prolonged if there is an appeal filed. This appeal must be filed within thirty days from the initial verdict.
Article IV: There will be no acceptances with the death penalty. All who are convicted will receive the death penalty within the one month, unless new evidence is brought forth.
Article V: This bill will be overseen by Department of Justice.
Article VI: This law shall go into effect on January 1, 2012.
Article VII: All laws in conflict with this bill shall be declared null and void.
Respectfully submitted,
Great Bridge High School
Emily Pemberton
A Resolution to Terminate the Death Penalty
WHEREAS, The death penalty denies the Virginian from the basic human rights outlined in the Constitution; and
WHEREAS, States that utilize the death penalty experience a 48% homicide rate compared to the 23% of states without the death penalty
WHEREAS, The death penalty is illegal due to the premeditation of murder; and
now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, By the Congress here assembled that the Virginian government will abolish the death penalty in the state
Respectfully submitted,
James Timko
Western Branch High School
A Bill to require that Virginia’s government does not place road tolls on Interstate 95
SECTION 1. Tollbooths should not be placed on sections of Interstate 95 that run through Virginia.
SECTION 2. A tollbooth is a booth (as on a highway or bridge) where tolls are paid. A toll is a payment or fee exacted by the state, the local authorities, etc., for some right or privilege, as for passage along a road or over a bridge.
SECTION 3. The Virgnia Department of Transportation shall oversee the enforcement of this bill.
SECTION 4. This law will take effect within six months of passage.
SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by Morgan Gresham, Western Branch High School
A Bill to Decrease Unemployment Rates by Decreasing Retirement Age
Section 1: All government employees will be required to retire by age 55.
Section 2: Retirement shall be defined as the point when a person stops employment completely, thus becoming eligible for private or public pension benefits.
Section 3: This bill will be implemented and overseen by the Department of Labor.
Section 4: This bill will take effect on January 1, 2012.
Section 5: All laws in conflict with this bill are hereby declared null and void.
Respectfully submitted,
Sabrina McAllister
Smithfield HS
A Bill to Eliminate the Death Penalty in Virginia
Section 1: Capital punishment in the state of Virginia will be eliminated. All individuals who have been sentenced to death will have their sentences changed to life in prison immediately.
Section 2: Capital punishment is defined as the sentence of death for serious crimes including murder.
Section 3: The Virginia Department of Corrections will oversee the implementation of this bill.
Section 4: This bill will go into effect immediately upon its passing.
Section 5: Any laws in conflict with this bill are hereby declared null and void.
Respectfully submitted,
Emily Black
Smithfield HS
A Bill to Terminate the Occupy Wall Street Protest
Section 1: All Wall Street occupiers will be required to relocate away from New York City’s financial District between regular weekly business hours. Occupiers in violation of this bill will be removed by police force.
Section 2: Wall Street Occupiers will be defined as anyone taking part of the Occupy Wall Street movement in or around Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan.
Section 3: The New York City Police Department will oversee the implementation of this bill.
Section 4: This bill will go into effect immediately upon its passing.
Section 5: Any laws in conflict with this bill are hereby declared null and void.
Respectfully submitted,
Kelly Stronach
Smithfield HS
A Bill to
SECTION 1. The drinking age on military bases and installations be lowered to 18 years old.
SECTION 2. The current drinking age is 21 years old.
SECTION 3. This law will take effect 30 days after passage.
SECTION 4.All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by Senator Austin Chambers - Princess Anne High School
A Bill to Reduce American Economic and Military Aid to Pakistan
Section 1: The United States federal government will reduce its economic and military aid to Pakistan by 50% over the next 2 years.
Section 2: The funds normally used to support Pakistan will be invested in only supporting non-terrorist sponsoring countries throughout the world.
Section 3: The United States Department of Foreign Relations will implement and oversee this bill.
Section 4: This bill will go into effect beginning in the fiscal year of 2013.
Section 5: All laws or legislation in conflict with this bill are hereby declared null and void.
Respectfully submitted,
Xavier Sivels
Smithfield HS
A Bill Regarding Drinking Age
SECTION 1. The Federal Government will allow the State Legislatures to determine the Minimum Drinking Age in their state.
SECTION 2. The decision that the State Legislature makes will apply to the purchasing, possession, and consumption of alcoholic products.
SECTION 3. Law enforcement officers in the state are responsible for the enforcement of the State Legislature’s decision.
SECTION 4. This law will take effect within three months of passage.
SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by.Tyler Hasty
A Resolution to Cease U.S. Relations With Pakistan
WHEREAS, the United States is allies with Pakistan, yet Pakistan has only provided one, small service
WHEREAS, Pakistan harbors terrorists that are condemned by the United States
WHEREAS, the United States may be asked to assist Pakistan in its battle over Kashmere
WHEREAS, the United States only needs Pakistan for its proximity to Afghanistan
RESOLUTION the United States should sever its relationship with Pakistan to further the former's goal of ending the Afghanistan War, making the need for Pakistan's allied powers goes against American interest.
A Resolution to promote democracy in Pakistan
WHEREAS, Pakistani military has a tremendous control in Pakistan politics; and
WHEREAS, the over powerful military undermines Pakistani civilian government; and
WHEREAS, lack of democracy hinders Pakistani peace and prosperity and causes instability; and
WHEREAS, instability makes Pakistan a perfect breeding ground for extremist militant groups; and
WHEREAS, Pakistani military is suspected to shelter extremist militant groups; and
WHEREAS, United States sends more aid to Pakistani Military than civilians; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, By the Congress here assembled that United States will shift its main focus from aiding Pakistani military to Pakistani civilians and promote democracy in the region.
Introduced by Jim An
Great Bridge High School
A Bill to Decrease Unemployment Rates
Article I: Corporations will get a tax break to increase employment.
Article II: 80% of their tax break must be used to hire new employees.
Article III: This will increase employment rate.
Article IV: The money used will stimulate the economy.
Article V: All laws in conflict with this bill hereby be declared null and void.
Respectfully Submitted,
Julia Cazares
Grassfield High School
A Bill to allow the installment of automated machines in all road tolls in Virginia
1. Article 1: Automated machines shall be installed in all road tolls in Virginia.
3. Article 2: This will reduce the cost to the state.
4. Article 3: Reduces the cost of the tolls.
5. Article 4: Making them user friendly and increasing efficiency.
6 Article 5: All laws in conflict with this bill will hereby be declared null and void.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kimberly Robbins
A Bill to: Cut ethanol production until further study.
1 Article I: All corn subsidies shall be reduced in production so only 5% of all gasoline will be ethanol or bio fuel
3 Article II: An examination shall be conducted to study the organic fuel by a bipartisan team of chemical engineers, mechanics, and economists to determine the efficiency of this alternative fuel; economically, socially, and environmentally.
7 Article III: This Bill will immediately take effect once it is signed as law.
8 Article IV: The Department of Energy will oversee implementation of this bill. Failure to comply with this law may result in fines and possible suspension until 10 the study is complete.
Article V: All parts of laws that conflict with this law will be considered null and void for the duration of the study.
Respectfully Submitted,
Steven Truhlar
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