Monday, November 9, 2009

November TDL Student Congress Topics

Gay Marriage
Food Industry (Regulations and Recalls)

US-Korea Relations
US-Brazil Relations (Olympics)

Virginia Beach SportsPlex
No Zero Grading Policy

Shipbuilding Costs
Minimum Wage

Legislation for the TDL tournament being held Saturday, November 21st, at Norview High School must be submitted no later than midnight on Tuesday, November 17th. Please see the instructions below.


amber- grassfield high school said...

A Bill to [Action Word] [article] [Object] to
[Summarize the Solution Specifically]

SECTION 1.I believe we should get a sixty-nine alternatively to a zero. Maybe somebody has an emergency so they can't finish their work because they are at the hospital with their family and did not get home until late.
SECTION 2. Alternative means a possible or remaining course or choice
SECTION 3. School board would have a meeting and see how many would agree are disagree on a bill. If the bill is tie and all the member are not present then they have to wait to the next meeting. If all the members are present and they have a tie bill then the tie bill shall defeat the motion , resolution or issue voted upon.
SECTION 4. The bill will be enforced immediately.
SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Submitted by Amber Gaskins
Grassfield High School

Joey Giacolone - Western Branch High School said...

A Bill to Disallow the No-Zero Grading Policy to More Precisely Evaluate Students in the Public Schools of the Commonwealth of Virginia


Section 1: The Commonwealth of Virginia will end the no zero grading Policy in all
Public schools; thus, being able for teachers to grade an assignment turned in, attempted or not attempted, a grade of zero.

Section 2: No zero grading policy is defined as the rule that teachers may not give a student a zero on any turned in assessments. The lowest a student may receive is a one.

Section 3: The agency that will oversee this bill is the Department of Education.

Section 4: This legislation will be implemented by august 1, 2010 a month before the start of the 2010-2011 school year.

Section 5: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Joey Giacolone, Western Branch High School.

Davis Rudisill - Western Branch High School said...

A Bill to Abolish Minimum Wage to Create Jobs and Decrease Illegal Immigration


SECTION 1: The United States of America will eradicate the existence of minimum

wage requirements in businesses across the country, giving them the

ability to hire more workers and dissuading aliens from entering the

country illegally to find jobs that companies would pay below minimum

wage for.

SECTION 2: Minimum wage is an amount of payment fixed by legal authority or by

contract as the least that may be paid either to employed persons generally

or to a particular category of employed persons (Merriam Webster).

An alien is a foreign-born resident who has not been naturalized and is

still a subject or citizen of a foreign country (Merriam Webster).

SECTION 3: This bill will be enforced by the United States Department of Labor and

will be imposed upon all businesses across the nation.

SECTION 4: This law will be put into effect by the end of the year 2010.

SECTION 5: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Introduced by Davis Rudisill of Western Branch High School

Deep Creek High School said...


Section 1: The purpose of this bill is to get rid of zeros in the grading policy and replace them with a higher percentage.

Section 2: Grading policy is defined as a policy concerning the evaluation of student work.

Section 3: This bill will be overseen by the Department of Education.

Section 4: This bill will be implemented at the start of the 2010-2011 school year.

Section 5: All laws with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Senator Oshayia Nixon
Deep Creek High School



Section 1: The purpose of this bill is to have more food regulation and recalls, so that people can stay healthy.

Section 2: The food recall includes any corrective action by a company needed to protect consumers from potentionally adverse effects of a contaminated, adulterated, or misbranded products.

Section 3: This bill will be overseen by the Food and Drug Administration.

Section 4: This bill will take effect immediately.

Section 5: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Senator Charles King
Deep Creek High School



Section 1: The purpose of this bill is to make gay marriage legal in the United States.

Section 2: Gay marriage is the marriage between two people of the same sex.

Section 3: This bill will be overseen by President Obama's Domestic Policy Council.

Section 4: This bill will take effect immediately.

Section 5: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Senator Ivana Baker
Deep Creek High School

Davis Rudisill - Western Branch High School said...

A Bill to Prohibit the No-Zero Grading Policy to More Accurately Assess Students in Virginia Public Schools


SECTION 1: The Commonwealth of Virginia will end the no-zero grading policy in all
public schools, thus giving teachers the ability to give zeros to students on assignments both attempted and not attempted.

SECTION 2: A no-zero grading policy is one that does not admit students to receive zeros on failed assignments, attempted or not, and gives them a predetermined grade in its place.

Public school is defined as a free, tax-supported school controlled by a local governmental authority (Merriam Webster).

SECTION 3: This bill will be enforced by the Virginia Department of Education upon
all public schools in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

SECTION 4: This legislation will be put into effect by the end of the year 2010.

SECTION 5: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Introduced by Davis Rudisill of Western Branch High School

Joey Giacolone - Western Branch High School said...

A Bill to Freeze the Lowest Amount Possibly Paid to a Working Citizen of the United States


Section 1: The United States of America will keep the law in which a worker can be paid a bare minimum according to prior legislation, for two years, until the beginning of 2011, which is predicted to be the end of the economic downturn by many prominent economists.

Section 2: Minimum wage is defined as the lowest wage paid or permitted to be paid, specifically a wage fixed by legal authority or by contract as the least that may be paid either to employed persons generally or to a particular category of employed persons by Merriam Webster dictionary.

Section 3:The agency which will oversee this bill is The US department of Labor and will be applied to all working persons in the United States.

Section 4:This bill will be implemented at the end of this year to begin the first quarter of 2010.

Section 5:All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Joey Giacolone, Western Branch High School.

Anonymous said...

Bill for Stronger Food Safety Enforcement
Article I: The United States Federal Government shall increase the funding for a larger amount of inspections conducted by the FDA and the Department of Agriculture; the former handles all foods except meat and poultry and the latter handles meat and poultry. The bill will also allow federal authorities to closely monitor the performance of state inspectors to bind the gap between federal and state agencies.
Article II: "Monitor the performance" means that the FDA and the Department of Agriculture will give audits to evaluate the performance of state inspectors and to make any changes necessary to enforce food safety.
Article III: This bill will be implemented on January 30, 2010.
Article IV: This bill will be enforced by the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Agriculture.
Article V: All laws in conflict with this bill will be declared null and void.

Respectfully submitted,
Joseph Newton
Princess Anne High School

Pratyush Agarwal said...

A Bill to Offset Shipbuilding Costs by Decommissioning Older Ships

SECTION 1. All United States federal government commissions for new naval ships require the decommissioning of an equal amount of ships whose models are preceded by the newer ship or any ship with the relatively equal maintenance costs as the new ship.
SECTION 2. A decommission is a removal of a ship from service. A commission is to bring a new shipbuilding project into operation. Relatively equal maintenance costs are costs for the ships upkeep within 10% of the new ship’s cost of maintenance.
SECTION 3. This project will be overseen by the Department of Defense.
SECTION 4. This bill is effective immediately upon passage.
SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Introduced by Pratyush Agarwal,
Princess Anne High School

Joseph Newton- Princess Anne High said...

Bill for Stronger Food Safety Enforcement
Article I: The United States Federal Government shall increase the funding for a larger amount of inspections conducted by the FDA and the Department of Agriculture; the former handles all foods except meat and poultry and the latter handles meat and poultry. The bill will also allow federal authorities to closely monitor the performance of state inspectors to bind the gap between federal and state agencies.
Article II: "Monitor the performance" means that the FDA and the Department of Agriculture will give audits to evaluate the performance of state inspectors and to make any changes necessary to enforce food safety.
Article III: This bill will be implemented on January 30, 2010.
Article IV: This bill will be enforced by the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Agriculture.
Article V: All laws in conflict with this bill will be declared null and void.

Respectfully submitted,
Joseph Newton
Princess Anne High School

Nathaniel Bowers -Grassfield High School said...

A Bill to Legalize Gay Marriage in the United States

SECTION 1. That Gay mariage be legalized in all States and provinces of the United States.
SECTION 2. Province: An administrative division or unit of a country. Legalize: to make legal, lawful, or sanction by law.
SECTION 3. This bill shall be overseen by the Department of Heal and Human Service
SECTION 4. This bill shall be implemented before the end of the year 2009
SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Submitted by
Nathaniel Bowers Grassfield High School

Chrissiana Harmon-Norview High School said...

A Bill to Deny the No Zero Grading Policy in Virginia


Section 1.The Commonwealth of Virginia will deny the no zero grading policy to all students in public schools K-12.

SECTION 2.“No zero grading policy” is defined as no teacher is allowed to give a grade lower than a sixty one percent (61%)

Section 3.The school board of each school district will enforce this bill.

SECTION 4.The bill will be put into effect immediately.

Section 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Introduced by Chrissiana Harmon, Norview High School

Madison Witherite- Norview High School said...

A Bill to Legalize Gay Marriage in the United States


Section 1.Gay marriage will be legal in the United States.

Section 2.Gay is defined as of, indicating, or supporting homosexual interests or issues.
Marriage is defined as a union between persons that is recognized by custom or religious tradition as a marriage.

SECTION 4.This bill will be implemented immediately.

Section 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Introduced by Madison Witherite of Norview High School

Madison Kozoyed- Western Branch High School said...

A Resolution Amending the Constitution to
Legalize Same-Sex Marriage in the Commonwealth of Virginia

WHEREAS, The Current Virginia Constitution states in Article 1, Section 15-A, that marriage other than that of a man and a woman will not legally be recognized. This Amendment was ratified November 7, 2006, and effective January 1, 2007.
WHEREAS, The Virginia Constitution also states in Article 1, Section 16 that all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion and all men shall be free to profess and by argument to maintain their opinions in matters of religion, and the same shall in nowise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.
WHEREAS, Marriage is a sacrament of religion and it is only the decision for each religion and it should not be the decision of the state to decide a definition of marriage, since the definition of a marriage comes from each of the religion's own writings.
RESOLVED, That upon approval of two-thirds of the chamber of this Student Congress here assembled, the following Constitutional amendment be sent to the state legislatures for approval:
SECTION 1: The legalization of same-sex marriage in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
SECTION 2: The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
Introduced by Madison Kozoyed Western Branch High School

Kyler Hedrick, Western Branch High School said...


SECTION 1. Minimum wage shall be eliminated to permit small businesses to lower prices, thus increasing competition within our economy.
SECTION 2. The minimum wage for employees may be too high for small business owners, who alone struggle to maintain low prices. The low prices in these privately owned businesses should be able to compete with those prices in big businesses.
SECTION 3. The General Assembly of Virginia will vote on the bill. Once it has passed the House, it will undergo the voting process in the Senate. Then, once it has completely passed, all businesses will enforce the bill by eliminating the minimum wage and replacing it with a new wage decided by the business itself.
SECTION 4. The bill will be enforced by the first quarter of 2010.
SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by Kyler Hedrick
Western Branch High School

Madison Kozoyed- Western Branch High School said...

A Bill to Outlaw the No-Zero Grading Policy in Virginian Public Schools to Accurately Assess the Progress of a Student

SECTION 1. The Commonwealth of Virginia will not have a No- Zero Grading Policy in Virginian public schools and teachers will be able to give students zeros on assignments both attempted and not attempted, because it is unjust to give one student who tried hard on an assignment, but failed, the same grade as someone else who didn’t try at all.
SECTION 2. The No- Zero Grading policy is where instead of giving zeros on assignments not attempted by a student, a teacher will give that person anywhere between a .5% and a 61%, depending on the school’s own policy. For example, say a student earns about 10% for most of the semester. However, because his 10% is now 70% with the no-zero grading policy, he is already passing, right? Therefore, his D or 70% only came with about a 10% effort. In addition, it is not fair to inflate only a failing grade 60% because if a 0 becomes a 60, doesn’t that mean that a 40 must become a 100? Does that mean that everyone else gets to inflate his/her grades, too? Then what is the motivation for achieving an A or B? That is a completely unfair way to assess a student's progress in a class.
SECTION 3. The Virginia Department of Education will oversee the enforcement of this bill by policy enactment.
SECTION 4. This bill will be implemented on August 1st, 2010, before the start of the 2010-2011 school year.
SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by Madison Kozoyed Western Branch High School


Clean Beef Act

Be it enacted by this Student Congress here assembled that:
Section 1. The United States governmental will begin offering subsidies to farmers who raise organic cattle.
Section 2. Farmers who qualify for this subsidy will allow their cattle to graze naturally and will discontinue the use steroids or antibiotics, unless a cow is ill. Agricultural subsidies are to paid supplement farmers' income, manage the supply of agricultural commodities, and influence the cost and supply of such commodities.
Section 3. Farmers who do not comply with this legislation will face a tax on their cattle.
Section 4. This bill shall be implemented on January 1st, 2011.
Section 5. The Department of Agriculture will oversee the enforcement of this bill.
Section 6. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Respectfully submitted,
Marshele Bryant
Hickory High School


Resolution for Equal Marriage

Whereas, Congress has overstepped its boundaries by denying homosexual couples the right to marry,
Whereas, it is unconstitutional to deny gay marriage due to the separation of church and state,
Whereas, it is also illegal to prohibit gay marriage because the stipulations of marriage and the power to create the stipulations of marriage are not stated in the Constitution,
Therefore be it resolved by the student congress assembled here that gay marriage be allowed because legally there is nothing that prohibits it.

Respectfully submitted,
Samantha Carter
Hickory High School


Resolution: to Host the King of Iron Fist Tournament at the Virginia Beach Sportsplex.

WHEREAS, Seeing how the Virginia Beach Sportsplex has been dubbed a “money pit” by the taxpayers of Hampton Roads; and
WHEREAS, This was primarily due to poor management by the Mariners; The Mariners management was so horrendous. That the city of Virginia Beach was paying over 1.2 million between the years of 2003-2007. Just to keep the place running. The city also provided 10.6 million to build the establishment in the first place and since its existence it has only managed to sell out once; the first opening game against D.C. United on June, 6 1998; and
WHEREAS, The failure of achieving sales had much to do with a narrow marketing view, as well as, not fully utilizing the Sportsplex potential to provide profitable entertainment that would increase tourism to Virginia Beach; and
WHEREAS, The new managers of the Sportsplex; Hometown Sports Management (HSN), are now revamping the compound to be able to host a wider array of entertainment other than soccer. All of which will be funded by local and regional investors; and
WHEREAS, With such a prime location and new management with a willingness to broaden the facilities capabilities. The Virginia Beach Sportsplex has the opportunity to become a phenom for the region of Hampton Roads; and therefore,
SO BE IT RESOLVED, That the Student Congress here assembled to host an International Fighting Tournament at the Virginia Beach Sportsplex. The tournament would be open to any form of martial arts: Karate, Savate, Judo, and etcetera. This would attract a UFC type crowd. Drawing in fans all across the east coast along with those who come from overseas. The event will be covered live, which would open up the audience beyond the seating capacity of the stadium. This solution would not only put the Virginia Beach Sportsplex back on the radar but it would bring significant income to Hampton Roads.

Respectfully submitted,
Steven Diehl
Hickory High School


A Resolution to Keep Firm Relations Between the U.S. and the Republic of Korea

WHEREAS, America and the Republic of Korea (ROK) are at peace and have been allies since 1954, when they signed the ROK/U.S. Mutual Security Agreement, in which they agreed to defend each other in the event of outside aggression.
WHEREAS, America and the Republic of Korea should have better import and export trading with each other to maintain economic growth.
WHEREAS, America should send military supplies and vehicles to the Republic of Korea and more American soldiers to unite against North Korea.
Be it resolved by the Student Congress assembled, that America and the Republic of Korea should continue to trade and sell military supplies in order to prevent North Korea from becoming a global threat.

Respectfully submitted,
Kevin Fletcher
Hickory High School

Jordan Brown-Western Branch High School said...

A Bill to Abolish the No-Zero Grading Policy to
Further Assess the Education of the Students Enrolled in the Public Schools in the Commonwealth of Virginia

SECTION 1. This legislation will ban the effect of the current No-Zero Grading Policy in the public schools of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The new legislation will allow the education of Virginia’s students to be accurately assessed in a legitimate manner with the lowest grade for students to receive being a zero, basing the student's grade on what they genuinely deserve and not whether or not they attempted the assignment.
SECTION 2. The No-Zero Grading Policy is a means of grading with the lowest possible grade ranging from a .5% to a 61% based on the school’s rules and regulations. This allows the student to receive partial credit for an attempted assignment even if the assignment is incomplete or the student did not answer the questions correctly.In this case a student who vaguely attempted their assigned work could recieve the same numerical grade as his or her classmate who may have worked hard on their assignment but did not complete the assignment correctly simply because of misunderstanding the curriculum. In this case how would the administrator know whether the student did not understand the lesson or whether the student simply failed put forth their best effort to complete the assignment.
SECTION 3. The Virginia Department of Education will enforce this bill by policy enactment.
SECTION 4. The bill prohibiting the legitimacy of the No-Zero Grading Policy will be in effect starting at the beginning of the 2010/2011 school year.
SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by Jordan Brown of Western Branch High School

Tom Scott Sharoni said...

The North Korean Stabilization Act

Article I: The United States Federal Government hereby orders the elimination of Kim Jong Il and his political and military high command. This is to be done in order to create instability in North Korea to provide a reason for the United Nations to justify interference in their country with the ultimate goal of establishing a democratic government in the country of North Korea. Any and all necessary support to carry this out is to be given and measures are to be taken to make certain this action is not traced to the United States. This legislation is a secret act that shall be presented and argued in closed session and anyone who reveals any information relating to this shall be tried on charges of treason.
Article II: The political and military high command is defined as any person who would have the ability to seize significant power and interfere with the UN attempt to install democracy in North Korea.
Article III: This piece of legislation will be carried out by the Green Berets and the CIA Special Activities Division.
Article IV: This piece of legislation is to be enacted immediately.
Article V: All laws in conflict with this piece of legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Respectfully submitted
Tom Scott-Sharoni
Princess Anne High School

Anonymous said...

The City of Virginia Beach to buy back the SportsPlex

WHEREAS, Under private ownership for the past few months the Virginia Beach SportsPlex’s condition
has improved; and
WHEREAS, The type of sports played in the complex has been recently expanded to include soccer, and
therefore more games will be played in this and future seasons; and
WHEREAS, The SportsPlex will create profitable revenue that will be necessary and beneficial to the
city; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Student Congress here assembled make the following recommendation: that the city buys back the Virginia Beach SportsPlex.

Respectfully Submitted,
Senator Ying Zhou
Princess Anne High School

Anonymous said...

A Resolution to Manage Minimum Wage in Accordance to Number of Dependents

Whereas, Citizens who are the lawful guardians of dependents, for example children, or handicap who are unemployed, who have the same minimum wages as do Citizens who do not have dependents and,
Whereas, Citizens who have dependents have higher monthly costs than people without dependents and,
Whereas, Many such citizens are economically at a disadvantage, and are unable to meet the daily costs of living therefore,
Resolved, That the Student Congress here assembled adjust the minimum wage according to dependents; and, be it resolved that each dependent counts as a 50% increase in minimum wage.

Respectfully submitted,

Alan McDowell
Princess Anne High School

Anonymous said...

Implementation of Zero-Grading Policy Across the Nation

Article 1: The zero-grading policy will apply to every high school in the United States.
Article 2: The zero-grading policy will give teachers the discretion to award a student a zero for any assignment or assessment.
Article 3: The bill will be implemented on the first day of the 2010-2011 school years for every school system.
Article 4: The bill will be overseen by the federal education department.
Article 5: All conflicting legislation is null and void.

Respectfully submitted,

Akansha Mohan
Princess Anne High School

Anonymous said...

Bill to Save Innocent North Koreans

Article 1: The United States federal government herby agrees to send 60,000 tons of food supplies to North Korea annually to protect the suffering citizens and encourage the cease of nuclear development in North Korea.
Article 2: Food supplies include corns, bread, frozen meats, vegetables, and various canned food. These food supplies may vary depending on the need of North Korea.
Article 3: This bill shall be implemented on January 1st, 2010.
Article 4: This enforcement of this legislation shall be overseen by the Department of State.
Article 5: All laws in conflict are hereby declared null and void.

Respectfully Submitted
David Choi
Princess Anne High School.

Anonymous said...

States’ Choice

Article 1 The United States Federal Congress hereby abolishes the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007 and further requires that the state governments have their own minimum wage, which must be approved by U.S Department of Labor, for which they will not receive punishment from the federal government as previously done.
Article 2 Minimum wage is the required least amount that an employer must pay his/her workers.
Article 3 The United States Department of Labor will oversee this piece of legislation.
Article 4 This bill will be enacted January 1, 2010.
Article 5 All laws in conflict with this piece of legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Respecfully submitted,
Caroline Sugg
Princess Anne High School

Anonymous said...

Bill to Ban All Gay Marriages in the United States

1 Article 1: The United States Federal Government hereby bans all gay marriages in all 2 50 states, and all gay marriages upon the passing of this bill will be declared null and 3 void.
4 Article 2: All 50 states are defined as all the states in the United States. Banning gay 5 marriage is defined as illegalizing same-sex marriage in the United States.
6 Article 3: This bill will be implemented immediately upon passage.
7 Article 4: This bill will be enforced by the department of justice.
8 Article 5: All laws in conflict are declared null and void

Respectfully submitted,
Sehee Kim
Princess Anne High School

Anonymous said...

The Virginia Purchasing Act

Article I: The Virginia General Assembly hereby makes illegal for local goverments to repurchase property within four years of it being sold.
Article II: Sold is defined as the date of the final sale. Repurchasing is the buying property that was previously sold by the buyer.
Article III: This bill will be overseen by the Virginia Beach City Council.
Article IV: This bill will be implemented January 1, 2010.
Article V: All laws in conflict with this piece of legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Respectfully submitted,
Michelle Chen
Princess Anne High School

Anonymous said...

Resolution to Preserve the Amazon and Better Relations with Brazil

Whereas: Brazil houses the largest expanse of tropical wilderness remaining on the planet, claiming 60% of the Amazon Rainforest.
Whereas: The Amazon Rainforest boasts a large and diverse collection of plants and animals but is experiencing deforestation and destruction, and plant matter found in the Amazon is critical in the production of drugs like muscle relaxants and various formulas for the treatment of cancer.
Whereas: Relations between the US and Brazil are crucial due to Brazil’s increasing global importance and the nation’s emergence as the continent’s business and diplomatic leader.
Whereas: The US should support Brazil being the first South American country to host the Olympic Games and seek to improve relations with Brazil by dispelling Brazil’s past divergences on sensitive issues in favor of a strong relationship.
Therefore be it resolved by this Student Congress here assembled that the United States Federal Government hereby donates funds to the preservation of the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil in an effort to improve relations and endorse the conservation of Brazil’s natural resources within the Amazon Rainforest; furthermore, the United States Olympic Team will endorse the preservation of Brazil’s rainforest.

Respectfully submitted,
Senator Rachel Brooks
Princess Anne High School

Emily Nickens - Ocean Lakes said...

Emily Nickens: Gay Marraiage:
A Bill to have the United States federal government recognize marriage
1. Be it enacted by this Student Congress here assembled that:
2. Section 1. The purpose of this bill is to have the United States government recognize
3. same sex and traditional marriages.
4. Section 2. The United states government will allow the issuing of marriage license to
5. any two individuals that are wedded
6. Section 3. The implementation of this bill will be immediately
7. Section 4. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby
8. declared null and void.

Respectfully submitted,
Emily Nickens
Ocean Lakes High School