BE IT ENACTED BY THIS CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: Article I: For the safety of our citizens as well as others, the Department of Justice will increasingly monitor human trafficking in order to begin the process of reducing of the amount of human trafficking. This will become one of the Department of Justice’s primary goals. Article II: Grants will be given to the Department of Justice for this sole purpose to stop human trafficking. These grants will be from the G/TIP Office (Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons) that was mandated in 2000 by the TVPA (Trafficking Victims Protection Act). Article III: Anyone that is suspected of human trafficking will be subjected to questioning. Article IV: Human Trafficking is defined as the illegal trade of human beings for the purposes of reproductive slavery, prostitution, forced labor, or a contemporary practice of slavery. Article V: This bill will be overseen by the Department of Justice. Article VI: This law shall go into effect on January 1, 2012. Article VII: All laws in conflict with this bill shall be declared null and void. Respectfully submitted, Great Bridge High School Emily Pemberton
A Bill Regarding Campaign Finance BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. No limit will be put on how much a candidate running for President of the United States may raise for their campaign. However all sources and amount of funding must be reported. SECTION 2. A committee will be created and tasked with the responsibility of enforcing this bill. SECTION 3. This law will take effect immediately. SECTION 4. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Introduced by.Tyler Hasty
A Resolution to Cease Budget Cuts in Virginia’s Education System
WHEREAS Virginia is cutting millions from its education budget each year WHEREAS Countless schools are increasingly be forced to closed WHEREAS Teachers are continuously being laid off for the reason of inadequate funding WHEREAS Growing class sizes are becoming unmanageable and dysfunctional WHEREAS Over packed classrooms are not allowing teachers to instruct to their highest potential BE IT RESOLVED: No further cuts will be made in the education budget on both local and statewide levels. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: Any money in this budget will no longer be spent on new technology purchases.
A Bill to terminate the income tax to improve our national debt.
SECTION I. The income tax established by the sixteenth amendment will be terminated. If and when this article goes into effect then any and all persons of the United States of America will hereby no longer be required to pay income tax and thus reducing the national debt.
SECTION II. The sixteenth amendment gives congress the power to levy an income tax without apportioning it among the states or basing it on a census results.
SECTION III. The Congress will have the power to enforce this bill with appropriate legislation.
SECTION IV. This law if passed will go into effect January 1st 2012, if this bill is not passed before that date then the law will go into effect on the first day of the following year.
SECTION V. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
A Bill to BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: STRICT RULES AND PUNISHMENTS WILL BE SET DOWN IN THE STATE OF VIRGINIA TO CONTROL BULLYING OF THE INTERNET. SECTION 1. A. Whereas, all acts of “cyber bullying on websites such as MySpace, Facebook, twitter that are reported or discovered by school faculty will be treated as a violation on par with threat of bodily harm. SECTION 2. Whereas, all student must “friend” or otherwise associate themselves with school faculty on websites that allow such activity so their accounts can be monitored for cyber bullying. SECTION 3. Whereas, this would not be an invasion of privacy as it is just the same as others on the websites association themselves with the students, as well as being the same as any other school-monitored activity. SECTION 4. Whereas, any refusal to adhere to this rule of “friending” faculty will be met with the same punishment as disobeying faculty or school, as well as forcing the students to either cancel their account or friend the faculty. SECTION 5. Whereas, messages and/or comments proven by the faculty and/or the bully’s victim to cyber bullying are liable to extreme punishments. SECTION 6. This law will take effect as of January 1, 2012. ARTICLE 8. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Introduced by. Francesco Franzesa Kellam HS
BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: CYBER BULLYING SHALL BE DECLARED A FELONY. SECTION 1. A. Cyber bullying will be monitored. B. Social networking sites such as MySpace, Facebook, twitter, etc. will be monitored by school administration that will monitor for cyber bullying SECTION 2. . Sites will be programmed to block certain words or phrases that can be deemed harmful to others or contain profane language. SECTION 3. Anyone with 3 offences of cyber bullying, inappropriate language, or behavior will be banned from the site. SECTION 4. To prevent offenders from creating a new account with false or new information special information will be needed. SECTION 5. Sites will require people to enter a social security number or send a copy of their identification to gain access to the site. SECTION 6. People banned from sites as a result of cyber bulling will be punished by monetary fines or a year in prison. SECTION 7. Death occurring as a result of cyber bullying will receive compensation from the person convicted of cyber bullying. This law will take effect within 1 year of passage of this legislation. ARTICLE 8. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Introduced by. Chris Skipper Kellam HS
A Bill to BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: VIRGINIA SHALL INCREASE THE QUALITY OF THE EDUCATION SYSTEM ARTICLE 1. A. Students whose behavior is inappropriate and distracting in the class room will be subject to swift consequences from school administration. B. Such students will be referred to school administration after the second verbal warning. Such referrals shall be mandatory and not left to teacher discretion. ARTICLE 2. A. School buildings will be maintained in a healthy learning environment. B. School buildings will be subject to random inspections by Virginia Department of Health and meet the highest Department of Health. C. Schools failing such criteria: First offence will be subject to mandatory training program. Second offence will be termination of maintenance staff. ARTICLE 3. Teachers will be trained in all aspects of technology used in the classroom. Support staff will be provided to assist teachers’ best use of technology for the benefit of all students in the class room. ARTICLE 4. Extra curricula activities will be open to students who are interested. The activities offered will be based on individual student preference. Such preferences will be determined by an end of the year survey to indicate activity to be available in the following school year. This law will take effect within six months of passage. SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Introduced by. Isaiah Parter Kellam HS
A Bill to BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: VIRGINIA SHALL INCREASE THE QUALITY OF THE EDUCATION SYSTEM ARTICLE 1. A. Students whose behavior is inappropriate and distracting in the class room will be subject to swift consequences from school administration. B. Such students will be referred to school administration after the second verbal warning. Such referrals shall be mandatory and not left to teacher discretion. ARTICLE 2. A. School buildings will be maintained in a healthy learning environment. B. School buildings will be subject to random inspections by Virginia Department of Health and meet the highest Department of Health. C. Schools failing such criteria: First offence will be subject to mandatory training program. Second offence will be termination of maintenance staff. ARTICLE 3. Teachers will be trained in all aspects of technology used in the classroom. Support staff will be provided to assist teachers’ best use of technology for the benefit of all students in the class room. ARTICLE 4. Extra curricula activities will be open to students who are interested. The activities offered will be based on individual student preference. Such preferences will be determined by an end of the year survey to indicate activity to be available in the following school year. This law will take effect within six months of passage. SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Introduced by. Isaiah Parter Kellam HS
A Bill to BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: VIRGINIA SHALL CONSTRUCT FOUR CHARTER SCHOOLS IN THE CITY LIMITS OF VIRGINIA BEACH ARTICLE 1. A. The Charter Schools be opened for students who maintain an overall grade point average of B+ or higher. ARTICLE 2. A. These schools will be free to students who qualify. B. Students who do not qualify by reason of academic achievement may apply for entrance based on tuition fees. This law will take effect on January 1, 2012. SECTION 3 All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Introduced by. Shaahiyn Bahiy Kellam HS
SECTION 1. A. US Federal Government Fiscal (FY) Year 2012 spending levels will be reduced by 5% below FY 2011 spending. B. Income tax rates for individuals earning over $150,000 & couples earning over $250,000 will be increased by 2%.
SECTION 2. “spending level” for this bill’s purpose is a comparison of projected to previous spending.
SECTION 3. A. The Office of Management & Budget will enforce Section 1A of this bill. B. The Internal Revenue Service will enforce Section 1B of this bill.
SECTION 4. This bill shall take effect upon passage, and will apply to FY2012 (current year) spending.
SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by Dale Martin, Summit Christian Academy
A Bill to BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: THE ACTOF HUMAN TRAFFICKING SHALL HEREBY BE ABOLISHED. ARTICLE 1. . Human trafficking shall be described as a “strongly immoral act”. It shall be deemed inhuman and unlawful, resulting in severe consequences. ARTICLE 2. Perpetrators of human trafficking shall be sentenced by the United States court system. Sentences shall range from an average of 16-20 years in prison in moderate cases and extend to life in prison. ARTICLE 3. A. Any organization dealing with the prevention of the trafficking of human beings shall be established by the United States Government. B. This organization shall be funded by the United States Government ARTICLE 3. Any organization dealing with the prevention of the trafficking of human beings shall be established by the United States Government. This law will take effect four months after being passed. ARTICLE 4 All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Introduced by. Zahara Nemrouri Kellam HS
A Resolution to End “No Child Left Behind” WHEREAS, The “one size fits all” ideology does not provide a proper learning environment; and WHEREAS, The policy of 100% proficiency of passing standardized tests in reading and mathematics on grade level is truly impossible WHEREAS, It severely damages the education of those students of extremely high calibers RESOLVED, By the Congress here assembled that the “No Child Left Behind” policy shall be terminated on its 2014 expiration date, with no chance of returning. Respectfully Submitted, James Timko Western Branch High School
SECTION 1. The purpose of this bill is to make "Cyber Bullying" a crime with punishments
SECTION 2. A. This bill is "Cyber-Bullying" is a crime with two degrees of punishment. B. The First Degree punishment of "Cyber-Bullying" will be charged if the victim has been mentally, emotionally, or physically injured by the guilty. C. The Second Degree punishment of "Cyber-Bullying" will be charged if the victim has been vigorously mentally, emotionally, or physically injured or has died of suicide, homicide, or any other way of dying.
SECTION 3. This bill will be a national law and is to be carried out by the national government.
SECTION 4. This law will take effect within immediate approval of passage.
SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Davis Rudisill- Western Branch High School
A Resolution to Act upon the 9-9-9 Plan WHEREAS, the current United States national debt is approximately $15 trillion; and WHEREAS, the American public is becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the class-divisions in society; and WHEREAS, the current progressive tax plan has proved unsatisfactory to the prosperity of our nation; and WHEREAS, Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 Plan is a viable alternative that will return the United States of America to economic greatness; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Congress here assembled that. Respectfully Submitted, Davis Rudisill Western Branch High School
Article I: A committee of trusted personnel be created to investigate suspicious Medicaid claims before they are processed, to determine if they are fraudulent, and to eliminate the claims if they are viewed as fraudulent, to lessen waste of federal funds on fraudulent cases. The members will be determined by a nomination/voting procedure within the CMS (Center for Medicaid & Medicare Services).
Article II: This committee be questioned before being instated, to determine if they are fit for recognizing fraud, having experience or training in detecting fraud, the official requirements to be determined at a later date.
Article III: Being “Fraudulent” is defined as creating fake or doctored information for personal gain, and punishment shall, if found guilty of fraud, be punished according to federal or state laws.
Article IV: This bill will be overseen by the CMS
Article V: This bill will go into effect 6 months after being enacted
Article VI: All laws in conflict with this bill are hereby declared null and void
Madison Kozoyed- Western Branch High School
A Resolution Save Europe WHEREAS, Greece’s economic reforms in 2002 and adoption of the euro allowed Greece to more easily borrow money; and WHEREAS, The country then increased their deficit spending to pay for large projects like the 2004 Olympics in Athens; and WHEREAS, The economic downturn of the global economy reached Greece a few years ago and led to widespread tax evasion and a further increase in deficit spending; and WHEREAS, Greece has been bailed out by neighboring countries on multiple occasions; now, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, By the Congress here assembled that The United States federal government will support Greece’s decision to stay a member of the European Union with an agreement from the Greek government to implement an austerity program and fix their issue of tax evasion.
Respectfully Submitted Madison Kozoyed Western Branch High School
1.Private funding of candidates be eradicated to make the use of public funding the only option for electoral races.
2.This includes all senatorial, house of representatives, and presidential elections.
3.This bill will go into effect immediately when passed for whatever electoral races have not begun yet, so private funds that have already been received in races happening at present will not have to be given back.
4.This bill will be enforced by the Federal Elections Commission.
5.All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
A Bill to Eradicate Human Trafficking BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: Section 1. All travel and tourism agencies, in order to operate legally, must sign the Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children in Travel and Tourism. Section 2. The Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children in Travel and Tourism prevents children from being trafficked across borders and exploited in the travel business. Section 3. This bill will be enforced by the National Human Trafficking Resource Center. SECTION 4. This bill will take effect immediately after its passage. Section 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Respectfully submitted, Janaezjah Ryder Western Brach High School
A Bill to aid Greece BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. United States will suggest to United Nation a world coalition that is committed to help the Greek non-public sectors. SECTION 2. Non-public sectors are defined as the part of economy that is not run by the government and does not provide basic government services. SECTION 3. A. The specific measures or forms of aid will be decided by the Coalition. B. The termination or expansion of the aid will be decided by the coalition. SECTION 4. This law will take effect immediately. SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Sincerely, Introduced by Jim An Great Bridge High School
A Bill to Require all Virginia Public Schools to Offer a Self-Defense Class as an Elective
SECTION 1. All public schools in Virginia shall be required to offer a class on self-defense as an elective to middle and high schools.
SECTION 2. Self-defense shall be defined as the protection of one’s person or property against some injury attempted by another. Any class that teaches students how to protect themselves effectively against harm will fit the resolution.
SECTION 3. The Virginia Board of Education will oversee the implementation of and fund this bill.
SECTION 4. This bill will be implemented starting in the 2012-2013 school year.
SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this bill are hereby declared null and void. Respectfully submitted, Caitlin Montgomery, Summit Christian Academy
Article I: For the safety of our citizens as well as others, the Department of Justice will increasingly monitor human trafficking in order to begin the process of reducing of the amount of human trafficking. This will become one of the Department of Justice’s primary goals.
Article II: Grants will be given to the Department of Justice for this sole purpose to stop human trafficking. These grants will be from the G/TIP Office (Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons) that was mandated in 2000 by the TVPA (Trafficking Victims Protection Act).
Article III: Anyone that is suspected of human trafficking will be subjected to questioning.
Article IV: Human Trafficking is defined as the illegal trade of human beings for the purposes of reproductive slavery, prostitution, forced labor, or a contemporary practice of slavery.
Article V: This bill will be overseen by the Department of Justice.
Article VI: This law shall go into effect on January 1, 2012.
Article VII: All laws in conflict with this bill shall be declared null and void.
Respectfully submitted,
Great Bridge High School
Emily Pemberton
A Bill Regarding Campaign Finance
SECTION 1. No limit will be put on how much a candidate running for President of the United States may raise for their campaign. However all sources and amount of funding must be reported.
SECTION 2. A committee will be created and tasked with the responsibility of enforcing this bill.
SECTION 3. This law will take effect immediately.
SECTION 4. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by.Tyler Hasty
A Resolution to Cease Budget Cuts in Virginia’s Education System
WHEREAS Virginia is cutting millions from its education budget each year
WHEREAS Countless schools are increasingly be forced to closed
WHEREAS Teachers are continuously being laid off for the reason of inadequate funding
WHEREAS Growing class sizes are becoming unmanageable and dysfunctional
WHEREAS Over packed classrooms are not allowing teachers to instruct to their highest potential
BE IT RESOLVED: No further cuts will be made in the education budget on both local and statewide levels.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: Any money in this budget will no longer be spent on new technology purchases.
A bill regarding the cutting of
military spending in America to
lower debt and simultaneously
reduce crime.
SECTION 1: In order to reduce the
National Debt, the United States
will stop being the “police force”
of the world and pull U.S. troops
out of all countries six months
after it is put into effect.
SECTION 2: “Police force” is here
defined as the United States’
status of being in a variety of
countries and also the fact that
countries come to the United
States for help solving their
SECTION 3: By cutting the spending
in this way, it will lower the
national debt significantly and
also lower foreign contempt
towards the United States because
of the removal of unwanted
presence in other countries.
SECTION 4: Also, because the
United States will have such a
substantial amount of budget money
left, the United States will be
able to allocate more funds
towards the hiring of more police
SECTION 6: This bill will be put
into effect on year after it is
SECTION 7: All laws in conflict
with this legislation are hereby
declared null and void.
A Bill to terminate the income tax to improve our national debt.
SECTION I. The income tax established by the sixteenth amendment will be terminated. If and when this article goes into effect then any and all persons of the United States of America will hereby no longer be required to pay income tax and thus reducing the national debt.
SECTION II. The sixteenth amendment gives congress the power to levy an income tax without apportioning it among the states or basing it on a census results.
SECTION III. The Congress will have the power to enforce this bill with appropriate legislation.
SECTION IV. This law if passed will go into effect January 1st 2012, if this bill is not passed before that date then the law will go into effect on the first day of the following year.
SECTION V. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
A Bill to
SECTION 1. A. Whereas, all acts of “cyber bullying on websites such as MySpace, Facebook, twitter that are reported or discovered by school faculty will be treated as a violation on par with threat of bodily harm.
SECTION 2. Whereas, all student must “friend” or otherwise associate themselves
with school faculty on websites that allow such activity so their accounts
can be monitored for cyber bullying.
SECTION 3. Whereas, this would not be an invasion of privacy as it is just the same as others on the websites association themselves with the students, as well as being the same as any other school-monitored activity.
SECTION 4. Whereas, any refusal to adhere to this rule of “friending” faculty will be met with the same punishment as disobeying faculty or school, as well as forcing the students to either cancel their account or friend the faculty.
SECTION 5. Whereas, messages and/or comments proven by the faculty and/or the bully’s victim to cyber bullying are liable to extreme punishments.
SECTION 6. This law will take effect as of January 1, 2012.
ARTICLE 8. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by. Francesco Franzesa
Kellam HS
SECTION 1. A. Cyber bullying will be monitored.
B. Social networking sites such as MySpace, Facebook, twitter, etc. will be monitored by school administration that will monitor for cyber bullying
SECTION 2. . Sites will be programmed to block certain words or phrases that can be deemed harmful to others or contain profane language.
SECTION 3. Anyone with 3 offences of cyber bullying, inappropriate language, or behavior will be banned from the site.
SECTION 4. To prevent offenders from creating a new account with false or new information special information will be needed.
SECTION 5. Sites will require people to enter a social security number or send a copy of their identification to gain access to the site.
SECTION 6. People banned from sites as a result of cyber bulling will be punished by monetary fines or a year in prison.
SECTION 7. Death occurring as a result of cyber bullying will receive compensation from the person convicted of cyber bullying.
This law will take effect within 1 year of passage of this legislation.
ARTICLE 8. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by. Chris Skipper
Kellam HS
A Bill to
ARTICLE 1. A. Students whose behavior is inappropriate and distracting in the class room will be subject to swift consequences from school administration.
B. Such students will be referred to school administration after the second verbal warning. Such referrals shall be mandatory and not left to teacher discretion.
ARTICLE 2. A. School buildings will be maintained in a healthy learning environment.
B. School buildings will be subject to random inspections by Virginia Department of Health and meet the highest Department of Health.
C. Schools failing such criteria: First offence will be subject to mandatory training program. Second offence will be termination of maintenance staff.
ARTICLE 3. Teachers will be trained in all aspects of technology used in the classroom. Support staff will be provided to assist teachers’ best use of technology for the benefit of all students in the class room.
ARTICLE 4. Extra curricula activities will be open to students who are interested. The activities offered will be based on individual student preference. Such preferences will be determined by an end of the year survey to indicate activity to be available in the following school year.
This law will take effect within six months of passage.
SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by. Isaiah Parter
Kellam HS
A Bill to
ARTICLE 1. A. Students whose behavior is inappropriate and distracting in the class room will be subject to swift consequences from school administration.
B. Such students will be referred to school administration after the second verbal warning. Such referrals shall be mandatory and not left to teacher discretion.
ARTICLE 2. A. School buildings will be maintained in a healthy learning environment.
B. School buildings will be subject to random inspections by Virginia Department of Health and meet the highest Department of Health.
C. Schools failing such criteria: First offence will be subject to mandatory training program. Second offence will be termination of maintenance staff.
ARTICLE 3. Teachers will be trained in all aspects of technology used in the classroom. Support staff will be provided to assist teachers’ best use of technology for the benefit of all students in the class room.
ARTICLE 4. Extra curricula activities will be open to students who are interested. The activities offered will be based on individual student preference. Such preferences will be determined by an end of the year survey to indicate activity to be available in the following school year.
This law will take effect within six months of passage.
SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by. Isaiah Parter
Kellam HS
A Bill to
ARTICLE 1. A. The Charter Schools be opened for students who maintain an overall grade point average of B+ or higher.
ARTICLE 2. A. These schools will be free to students who qualify.
B. Students who do not qualify by reason of academic achievement may apply for entrance based on tuition fees.
This law will take effect on January 1, 2012.
SECTION 3 All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by. Shaahiyn Bahiy
Kellam HS
A Bill to reduce the US National Debt
A. US Federal Government Fiscal (FY) Year 2012 spending levels will be reduced by 5% below FY 2011 spending.
B. Income tax rates for individuals earning over $150,000 & couples earning over $250,000 will be increased by 2%.
SECTION 2. “spending level” for this bill’s purpose is a comparison of projected to previous spending.
A. The Office of Management & Budget will enforce Section 1A of this bill.
B. The Internal Revenue Service will enforce Section 1B of this bill.
SECTION 4. This bill shall take effect upon passage, and will apply to FY2012 (current year) spending.
SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by Dale Martin, Summit Christian Academy
A Bill to require Debate classes in Virginia High Schools
SECTION 1. All public high schools in Virginia shall offer Debate as an in-school credited class.
SECTION 2. “in-school credited” means during school hours, and with graduation credit awarded.
SECTION 3. The Virginia Department of Education shall enforce this bill.
SECTION 4. This bill shall take effect beginning with the 2012-13 School Year.
SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by Erika Tamayo, Summit Christian Academy
A Bill to
ARTICLE 1. . Human trafficking shall be described as a “strongly immoral act”. It shall be deemed inhuman and unlawful, resulting in severe consequences.
ARTICLE 2. Perpetrators of human trafficking shall be sentenced by the United States court system. Sentences shall range from an average of 16-20 years in prison in moderate cases and extend to life in prison.
ARTICLE 3. A. Any organization dealing with the prevention of the trafficking of human beings shall be established by the United States Government.
B. This organization shall be funded by the United States Government
ARTICLE 3. Any organization dealing with the prevention of the trafficking of human beings shall be established by the United States Government.
This law will take effect four months after being passed.
ARTICLE 4 All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by. Zahara Nemrouri
Kellam HS
A Resolution to End “No Child Left Behind”
WHEREAS, The “one size fits all” ideology does not provide a proper learning environment; and
WHEREAS, The policy of 100% proficiency of passing standardized tests in reading and mathematics on grade level is truly impossible
WHEREAS, It severely damages the education of those students of extremely high calibers
RESOLVED, By the Congress here assembled that the “No Child Left Behind” policy shall be terminated on its 2014 expiration date, with no chance of returning.
Respectfully Submitted,
James Timko
Western Branch High School
A Bill to
SECTION 1. The purpose of this bill is to make "Cyber Bullying" a crime with punishments
SECTION 2. A. This bill is "Cyber-Bullying" is a crime with two degrees of punishment.
B. The First Degree punishment of "Cyber-Bullying" will be charged if the victim has been mentally, emotionally, or physically injured by the guilty.
C. The Second Degree punishment of "Cyber-Bullying" will be charged if the victim has been vigorously mentally, emotionally, or physically injured or has died of suicide, homicide, or any other way of dying.
SECTION 3. This bill will be a national law and is to be carried out by the national government.
SECTION 4. This law will take effect within immediate approval of passage.
SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by: Nehemiah L. Harrison
A Resolution to Act upon the 9-9-9 Plan
WHEREAS, the current United States national debt is approximately $15 trillion; and
WHEREAS, the American public is becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the class-divisions in society; and
WHEREAS, the current progressive tax plan has proved unsatisfactory to the prosperity of our nation; and
WHEREAS, Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 Plan is a viable alternative that will return the United States of America to economic greatness; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, By the Congress here assembled that.
Respectfully Submitted,
Davis Rudisill
Western Branch High School
Be it enacted by Congress here assembled that:
Article I: A committee of trusted personnel be created to investigate suspicious Medicaid claims before they are processed, to determine if they are fraudulent, and to eliminate the claims if they are viewed as fraudulent, to lessen waste of federal funds on fraudulent cases. The members will be determined by a nomination/voting procedure within the CMS (Center for Medicaid & Medicare Services).
Article II: This committee be questioned before being instated, to determine if they are fit for recognizing fraud, having experience or training in detecting fraud, the official requirements to be determined at a later date.
Article III: Being “Fraudulent” is defined as creating fake or doctored information for personal gain, and punishment shall, if found guilty of fraud, be punished according to federal or state laws.
Article IV: This bill will be overseen by the CMS
Article V: This bill will go into effect 6 months after being enacted
Article VI: All laws in conflict with this bill are hereby declared null and void
A Resolution Save Europe
WHEREAS, Greece’s economic reforms in 2002 and adoption of the euro allowed Greece to more easily borrow money; and
WHEREAS, The country then increased their deficit spending to pay for large projects like the 2004 Olympics in Athens; and
WHEREAS, The economic downturn of the global economy reached Greece a few years ago and led to widespread tax evasion and a further increase in deficit spending; and
WHEREAS, Greece has been bailed out by neighboring countries on multiple occasions; now, THEREFORE BE IT
RESOLVED, By the Congress here assembled that The United States federal government will support Greece’s decision to stay a member of the European Union with an agreement from the Greek government to implement an austerity program and fix their issue of tax evasion.
Respectfully Submitted Madison Kozoyed Western Branch High School
1.Private funding of candidates be eradicated to make the use of public funding the only option for electoral races.
2.This includes all senatorial, house of representatives, and presidential elections.
3.This bill will go into effect immediately when passed for whatever electoral races have not begun yet, so private funds that have already been received in races happening at present will not have to be given back.
4.This bill will be enforced by the Federal Elections Commission.
5.All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Presented by
Great Bridge High School
Molly Bohan
A Bill to Eradicate Human Trafficking
Section 1. All travel and tourism agencies, in order to operate legally, must sign the Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children in Travel and Tourism.
Section 2. The Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children in Travel and Tourism prevents children from being trafficked across borders and exploited in the travel business.
Section 3. This bill will be enforced by the National Human Trafficking Resource Center.
SECTION 4. This bill will take effect immediately after its passage.
Section 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Respectfully submitted, Janaezjah Ryder Western Brach High School
A Bill to aid Greece
SECTION 1. United States will suggest to United Nation a world coalition that is committed to help the Greek non-public sectors.
SECTION 2. Non-public sectors are defined as the part of economy that is not run by the government and does not provide basic government services.
SECTION 3. A. The specific measures or forms of aid will be decided by the Coalition.
B. The termination or expansion of the aid will be decided by the coalition.
SECTION 4. This law will take effect immediately.
SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by Jim An
Great Bridge High School
A Bill to Require all Virginia Public Schools to Offer a Self-Defense Class as an Elective
SECTION 1. All public schools in Virginia shall be required to offer a class on self-defense as an elective to middle and high schools.
SECTION 2. Self-defense shall be defined as the protection of one’s person or property against some injury attempted by another. Any class that teaches students how to protect
themselves effectively against harm will fit the resolution.
SECTION 3. The Virginia Board of Education will oversee the implementation of and fund this bill.
SECTION 4. This bill will be implemented starting in the 2012-2013 school year.
SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this bill are hereby declared null and void.
Respectfully submitted, Caitlin Montgomery, Summit Christian Academy
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