Monday, January 20, 2014

TDL #5 at Smithfield High School on Saturday, February 15th 2014

Our last TDL Tournament will be held at Smithfield High School on Saturday February 15th.

Team Registrations & Congressional Legislation are both due by Tuesday February 11th at 11:59pm.

All coaches, students, and judges need to check in at Smithfield High School by no later than 8:00am on the 15th of February.

DO NOT POST CONGRESS LEGISLATION ON THIS POST. Scroll down for instructions on posting congressional legislation.

You can scroll down to see the results of the January TDL at Princess Anne High School. 


The Mitchells Ukranian Expansion said...

How can Princess Anne register? We'll send only one team to the TDL on the 15th. Thanks!

The Mitchells Ukranian Expansion said...

How can Princess Anne register? We will be sending one team to the TDL on the 15th. Thanks!

Tidewater said...

You can email me at

Let me know which team it is and who is judging. I will make sure they are entered.