Wednesday, January 30, 2013

February 2013 Congress Debate Topics

· Military involvement in Africa
· North Korea

· Voting Re-districting
· Dream Act

· Surveillance in Public Areas
· Illegal Immigration

· Tax of Internet Sales
· Federal Reserve


Leaha Pohlman said...

A Bill to pass the Dream Act as United States Immigration

Section 1. The Dream Act is to be here after as law in the United States.
Section 2. Dream- Development, relief, and education of Alien Minors
Section 3. Department of Homeland Security will be the force to emphasis all of the policies states within the Dream Act.
A. To increase Virginia's revenue as well as the citizenship of its undocumented population.
SECTION 4. If this bill passes it will take effect within six months of its passing into law by the United States Congress.
Section 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced for Congressional Debate by Leaha Pohlman

Bianca Loudon- Hickory High School said...

Bianca Loudon
VA Dream Act resolution

Whereas, these students graduated high school from a commonwealth school

Whereas, they have been living in the country since they were 16 years old or younger

Whereas, students have lived in the commonwealth for 5 or more years

Whereas, students will establish permanent residency in Virginia after completing a successful college experience

Whereas, these students could be talented and have something to contribute to society, and need the college education to pursue it

Therefore, be it resolved by this student congress here assembled that all bills and legislation regarding the progression of the Virginia Dream Act be affirmed.

Carlito Ricafort said...

I decided to base my topic around Surveillance In Public Areas, which I am on the affirmative side for.

Whereas, public surveillance could deter individuals from performing actions in public that are frowned upon as they are aware that they are being watched.

Whereas, public surveillance could provide a sense of safety as people know that any potential crimes committed against them would be caught on tape. This could help protect against vandalism or theft.

Whereas, there are people that believe the sense of security provided by cameras outweighs the risk of privacy.

Whereas, video evidence in public areas can be used to back evidence in court cases.

Whereas, video surveillance can show the current condition of a highway whose roads may be slippery or packed with cars, warning those who wish to traverse it.

Therefore, be it resolved by this student congress that surveillance must be mandatory and provided in any public area containing any number of individuals.

Divya Karuturi-Grassfield High School said...

A Resolution to decrease survaillance in pubic areas

WHEREAS, implementing new survaillance in public areas is ineffective in solving crime
WHEREAS, the technology required for survaillance is extremely costly
WHEREAS, survaillance in public areas comprimises privacy
WHEREAS, the monetary input does not exceed monetary savings
therefore be it resolved to inhibit public survaillance

James Timko said...

A Resolution to Terminate Illegal Immigration
Whereas, illegal immigrants occupy the jobs that lawful American citizens desperately need
Whereas, the children of illegal immigrants weaken the American education system because of increased costs and watered-down curriculums
Whereas, the majority of illegal immigrants flee from Mexico, which inspires the violence from the drug war to follow
Therefore, be it Resolved, by the Congress here assembled that the United States will pursue a policy to eliminate illegal immigration.
Respectfully submitted,
James Timko
Western Branch High School

Kelly Stronach-Smithfield High School said...

A Bill to end United States military aid to Africa

Article I: All United States military aid to the countries on the African continent shall cease until further notice.
Article II: United States military aid includes the deployment of United States troops, military funding and provision of weaponry.
Article III: The Department of Defense will oversee the implementation of this bill.
Article IV: This bill will be enacted on March 1, 2013.
Article V: All laws in contradiction to this bill are hereby declared null and void.

Respecfully submitted,
Senator Kelly Stronach
Smithfield High School

Sabrina McAllister-Smithfield High School said...

A Bill to Provide for Illegal Immigrants

Section 1: The children of illegal immigrants will be permitted to receive in-state aid for college tuition.
Section 2: This bill will be funded by current funds within the Department of Education.
Section 3: This bill will be enforced and overseen by the Department of Education.
Section 4: This bill will be enacted on April 1, 2013.
Section 5: All pieces of legislation in conflict with this bill are hereby declared null and void.

Respectfully submitted,
Senator Sabrina McAllister
Smithfield High School

Joseph McNure-Smithfield High School said...

A Resolution to Increase Border Patrol

WHEREAS hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants have crossed the southern border of the United States, and
WHEREAS many of them have been caught or punished for their actions, and
WHEREAS the United States has spent billions of dollars in the past year to house these illegal immigrants in government funded prisons, and
WHEREAS this government spending has caused an increase in taxes,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT the United States government increase its border patrol units along the southern border of the United States by 25%.

Respectfully submitted,
Senator Joseph McNure
Smithfield High School

Kimberly Marchant-Smithfield HIgh School said...

A Resolution to Reform Voting Districts

WHEREAS the voting districts of Virginia are noncontiguous and partisan based, and
WHEREAS the electoral college is influenced more so by political parties rather than public interest, and
WHEREAS the population of Virginia’s districts have changed since the last redistricting, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT the voting districts of Virginia be reformed according to population changes.

Respectfully submitted,
Senator Kimberly Marchant
Smithfield High School

Stephanie Richardson-Smithfield High School said...

A Resolution to Increase Sanctions on North Korea

WHEREAS the North Koreans have developed a nuclear weapons program, and
WHEREAS the North Korean missile range can reach South Korea, the United States and other member nations of the United Nations, and
WHEREAS the North Korean nuclear program poses a threat to the safety of the entire free world,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT the United States increases its pressure on the United Nations to increase their nuclear sanctions on North Korea in order to limit the number of nuclear missiles that North Korea constructs in the future.

Respectfully submitted,
Senator Stephanie Richardson
Smithfield High School

Carolyn Rock- Western Branch High School said...

A Resolution to Require Video Surveillance in All Public Buildings Excluding Dressing Rooms and Bathrooms.

WHEREAS, Unsolved crime rates have risen; and
WHEREAS, Unwatched people are more likely to commit crime; and
WHEREAS, Americans need to have the available resources to catch a criminal in the event of a crime; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Student Congress here assembled make the following recommendation that in public buildings, public being defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary as relating to business or community interests as opposed to private affairs, be required to have and maintain video surveillance to decrease and prevent crime, excluding bathrooms and dressing rooms to keep the privacy of the American people.

Carolyn Rock
Western Branch High School

Anonymous said...

Cameron Wooddell- Grassfield High School

A Resolution to improve public surveillance

WHEREAS, Current surveillance does not protect the public scope
WHEREAS, Current surveillance is ineffective and sparse
WHEREAS, Increased and improved surveillance prevents domestic violence
WHEREAS, Increased and Improved surveillance preserves public well-being
Therefore be it resolved, that the student Congress here assembled that all legislation and bills regarding the improvement and expansion of public surveillance be affirmed.
Introduced for Congressional Debate by Senator Cameron Wooddell

Anonymous said...

A Resolution to improve public surveillance

WHEREAS, Current surveillance does not protect the public scope
WHEREAS, Current surveillance is ineffective and sparse
WHEREAS, Increased and improved surveillance prevents domestic violence
WHEREAS, Increased and Improved surveillance preserves public well-being
Therefore be it resolved, that the student Congress here assembled that all legislation and bills regarding the improvement and expansion of public surveillance be affirmed.
Introduced for Congressional Debate by Senator Cameron Wooddell

Carolyn Rock- Western Branch High School said...

A Resolution to Require Video Surveillance in All Public Buildings Excluding Dressing Rooms and Bathrooms.

WHEREAS, Unsolved crime rates have risen; and
WHEREAS, Unwatched people are more likely to commit crime; and
WHEREAS, Americans need to have the available resources to catch a criminal in the event of a crime; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Student Congress here assembled make the following recommendation that in public buildings, public being defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary as relating to business or community interests as opposed to private affairs, be required to have and maintain video surveillance to decrease and prevent crime, excluding bathrooms and dressing rooms to keep the privacy of the American people.

Respectfully Submitted
Carolyn Rock
Western Branch High School

Jeremiah Amos-Grassfield High School said...

A Resolution to reduce public surveillance

WHEREAS, Currently public surveillance is being used to identify criminals; and
WHEREAS, they cost around 25,000$ each; and
WHEREAS, we are currently in an economic recession with 16 trillion dollars of debt; and
WHEREAS, this money can be used for the betterment of the economy; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Congress here assembled make the following recommendation for solution to reduce public surveillance
Introduced for Congressional Debate by Jeremiah Amos.

Audrey Weymouth- Warwick High School said...

A resolution to implement drone surveillance as means of defence against terrorism.

WHEREAS, Drone usage will expose domestic threat;
WHEREAS, survaillance in public areas protects privacy;
WHEREAS, Defence response needs to quick, thus the implementation provides both constant security and information.

Therefore, be it resolved, all laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Respectfully submitted
Senator Audrey Weymouth
Warwick High School

Chelsea Simmons - Warwick High School said...

A bill to increase military aid in Africa

Whereas, many countries in Africa are dealing with unnecessary violence

Whereas, this has been going on for many years and nothing has been able to stop it

Whereas, the violence has lead to the death of many civilians and sexual abuse of many woman

Therefore, be it resolved that a bill be past permitting U.S. military assistance greatly increase to help stop countless African terrorist groups

Carlito Ricafort - Hickory High School said...

Whereas, public surveillance could deter individuals from performing actions in public that are frowned upon as they are aware that they are being watched.

Whereas, public surveillance could provide a sense of safety as people know that any potential crimes committed against them would be caught on tape. This could help protect against vandalism or theft.

Whereas, there are people that believe the sense of security provided by cameras outweighs the risk of privacy.

Whereas, video evidence in public areas can be used to back evidence in court cases.

Whereas, video surveillance can show the current condition of a highway whose roads may be slippery or packed with cars, warning those who wish to traverse it.

Therefore, be it resolved by this student congress that surveillance must be mandatory and provided in any public area containing any number of individuals.